The job market is changing rapidly worldwide. The demand for skills is also changing. Workplaces are becoming more and more mechanized. As a result, artificial intelligence (AI) and automation will dominate the job market very soon. Automation will not only come to manual tasks; Demand for smart, artificial intelligence (AI)-powered devices will also grow.

So what do we do? Will people become unemployed? No! Nothing to worry about for now. We are not becoming completely redundant any time soon. Instead, we'll look at tasks that machines can't do exactly like us (yet). For example, jobs that require strategy, creativity or emotional intelligence.

By 2023, and even beyond, those with the skills to manage smart devices and software will have a better chance of succeeding in industry and enterprise. Below are five such skills that can help shape your future.

1. Data Communicator

From 2023, data communicators and storytellers will become in demand and valuable in various businesses. Because recent research from Forrester says that by 2025, 70 percent of jobs will involve direct data work. So every company will need skilled people to interpret, translate and communicate it.
Skilled communicators are able to see and communicate the four-dimensional description of data. This means data communicators understand where insights come from, why they matter to the business, and how to leverage them. So, as data becomes central to various business strategies, people with expertise in it are becoming increasingly valuable.

2. Cyber Security

The trend of working from home or working remotely, which started during the Covid-19 pandemic, will continue in 2023. As a result, cyber security is essential for every company. This is not only limited to the IT department, but every employee has to take responsibility for the security of the data entrusted to him in the course of his work.

But that doesn't mean specialized cyber security agents will be a thing of the past. That day is far away. In fact, it is expected that one crore professional workers will be employed in this sector by 2023.

3. UX design
Skills like User Experience (UX) Design and User Interface (UI) Design are becoming increasingly valuable as every company becomes technology-dependent and every job is technology-related over time.

This democratization of technology means that everyone has to work with technology to some extent, regardless of role. So, those technologies should be usable by anyone, even those without software and programming skills.

A UX and UI designer's skill is to make technology intuitive and accessible to anyone, even if they are not used to working with it. This becomes even more relevant as we move into the era of low-code/no-code platforms. Moreover, the demand for UX designers will increase in the future as consumers value the experience more than other aspects (such as price or quality) of purchased products and services.
4. Digital Marketing
We live in an attention economy. That is, people's attention is becoming the most valuable commodity, which is now the number one priority for any brand and company. Digital marketing is all about attracting customers' attention and putting your products or services at the forefront of their minds.

Digital marketing includes sophisticated channels like paid social media advertising, influencer-led campaigns, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing funnels, metaverse and augmented reality (AR). That is, it includes skills ranging from technical to creative.

Good marketers can be good at one, more or more. And if that is the case, there will be no shortage of jobs for them in 2023

5. Artificial intelligence
This skill is going to be the king of job market in future. As you may have noticed, artificial intelligence (AI) is an important part of all the jobs mentioned above. Specifically, the ability to work with AI is described as an 'advanced skill' these days.

Data communicators have AI tools to help them choose the most effective forms of visualization and storytelling. Cyber security professionals use AI to analyze network traffic and identify potential attacks early. UX designers take the help of AI to determine which features and functionality should be prioritized.
And digital marketers have a variety of AI tools to predict audience behavior, and even create copy and content.

In that case, the ability to spot opportunities to augment your or your company's human capabilities with AI and deploy the right tools and platforms to act accordingly may be the most valuable skill in the future.